
Writing my Memoir


I have been working on my memoir for several years now. It is still very much a work in progress. During a recent meditation, I have been guided to share my memoir here as I go through this rewrite/editing.

It is scary to share this raw material with you especially since it is not yet in its final editing process. I have been hesitating about following this advice. Most writers wouldn’t dream of sharing a book they are writing until it is been through all the editing processes and published!

I am still not sure about this but divine guidance is one I know I can’t ignore.

I will post chapters as I process through this current rewrite. Please remember this is still very much a work in progress and one that is a deeply emotional experience.

During the course of this journey as I have told my story to others I have been asked if I am writing it. I am a writer after all and so I am writing my story – struggling through it that is but I hope my story will inspire you to live your own journey and know that you can walk through your life and sail through any transition that occurs for you to find your dream. Or something that resembles your dream- Sometimes we have to recognize that we are actually living the dream it just doesn’t look exactly like we imagined it to be.

So I invite you to walk with me through my messy journey that has lead to living my dream almost-



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