A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Spending Holidays With Family – Too Much, Too Little, Or Just Right?

December 17

Spending Holidays With Family

 Too Much, Too Little,

Or Just Right?

The holidays are a time when we spend time with family and friends.

Holidays and family are meant to be fun and exciting, filled with laughter, connection, food, drink, gifts, and celebration.

It is a time to bond, to talk and listen, show affection, share family traditions, and create memories.

We look forward to spending time with family. Sometimes because we may not always get to spend quality time together we feel the need to spend all our time, doing all activities together all day. Yet all this togetherness can cause stress, and conflict. Everyone needs space and time for solitude and personal self-care.

Plan time for everyone to participate in several activities. Plan small group activities like children’s activities, adult activities, or men’s activities and women’s activities. Try to plan at least one activity that is important to each family member.

Don’t fill all the time you will be together. Allow for free time for each person to pursue solitude and have time to do self-care or an activity that is just for themselves.

Reflect on what is important. Communicate about what is important for each family member and what is going to need to be done and how everyone can help. Don’t have expectations of how things should be. Be open and flexible.

Focus on the benefit and the blessings of spending time together.

Whether you are visiting family or family is visiting you, Balance together time and independent individual time.

Find the balance between too little and too much

and find the time with family is just right for you

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