A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Spread Some Holiday Cheer

December 13


Spread Some Holiday Cheer

Volunteer or donate a toy, fulfil the wishes of a child who isn’t yours. Adopt a family for the holidays. Invite someone who is along for the Holidays to join you.

Bake Christmas Cookies for Friends and Family. Donate Spare Change. Sing Christmas Carols. Gift Service Providers. Host a holiday gathering for those who have been kind or of service to you. Leave a nice tip.

Shovel a Neighbor’s Driveway. Donate Goods to Shelters. Play Secret Santa. Drop a gift on a friend’s, neighbors or even a stranger’s doorstep. Give a genuine compliment to someone.

Smile to a stranger. Great everyone you meet. Spread little kindnesses. Say thank-you often. Buy coffee for the person behind you at the coffee shop. Call or write to an old friend.

Spreading holiday cheer is simple and easy. It doesn’t need to take up a lot of your time or energy.

In fact, if you do simple acts of kindness with a cheerful heart and energy you will spread good cheer wherever you go.

Spreading Holiday Cheer will life your energy, and your own Holiday Spirit as well.

Give Holiday Cheer Wherever You Go and Lift Your Own Holiday Spirit.

Give More, Love More, Laugh More, Enjoy More


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