A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Remember Something from Your Childhood

May 5


Remember Something from

                        Your Childhood


What fun activities did you do as a child? What did you do, where did you go or what did you see that seemed magical to you?

In childhood we had open eyes, things were new and filled with wonder and awe. We waited excitedly to receive something that we loved or to be able to do something we loved to do.

What was it that made you get excited? A trip to the candy shop or ice cream shop? Going to the beach? Or riding your bike? Maybe it was going to the festival or amusement park or seeing the fireworks.

What were you curious about? What did you want to learn about or explore or discover?

What were you dreams? What dreams have come true? What childhood dream never happened? Maybe it was because your parents didn’t want to do it or couldn’t afford it.

Can you make that dream come true for yourself now? If there something that you want to do again?

Bring back those Magical feelings. Feel the Magic in the Air

Do a Fun Activity from Your Childhood

Make a Childhood Dream Come True

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