A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Dreaming, Imagining and Allowing


January 29


Dreaming, Imagining and Allowing


We all dream. Most of us dream and dismiss our big dreams as pie-in-the -sky kind of dreams that can never come true. So we dream small dreams that we believe can come true if we work on them.

We shouldn’t be dismissing those big dreams but we are taught how the world limits us and that we must only dream within those limits. We dream or daydream but we are wishing and disbelieving at the same time. When it gets out of the boundaries of what we believe we stop the dream, shut it down. It isn’t possible we tell ourselves and others tell us that too.

 You need to be dreaming-bigger. You need to imagine fuller and richer, vivid and beyond our wildest dreams. Let your imagination run!  You need to not only dream it and imagine it but you have to open to the possibilities of it, the possibility that it can happen, that it can come true. You don’t need to know how or envision the how you can make it come true (or even if you can) you just have to believe that the dream is possible someway, somehow.

You never imagine into the possibility, never mind imagining into allowing the possibilities to exist. You must move beyond imagining into allowing the possibilities to exist. In other words, you give up right before the miracle begins to happen. In being open to and allowing the possibility that you can have the dream you are imagining, is the space the universe finally begins energetically working on those possibilities into reality. By dismissing your dreams you negate that process.

I certainly did. I stopped dreams from happening long before I got very far in the dreaming because I couldn’t even imagine the possibility of it. When I didn’t shut the dream down, when I kept dreaming it, kept imagining it, the possibilities showed up. And even then sometimes I didn’t see it or it wasn’t exactly the way I imagined it or hoped it would happen.

My guess is that you can’t imagine, really imagine your life changing. Mostly because deep down you don’t believe it is possible. You don’t allow yourself to imagine it because you don’t believe it. If you can’t even believe that you can have what you dream about, then you can’t allow the possibilities into your life. Let yourself imagine what it could be like if you had the life you wish you had. Allow yourself to imagine it. Allow yourself to be open to the possibility that you can have the life you dream about.

 Imagining and Allowing go together. Even if you still can’t believe it could happen, you must allow yourself to believe that it is possible. You must feel it is possible not just imagine it. That is why you must allow your imagination to dream and envision it and then allow yourself to believe that it just might be possible.

Every change-every shift-within and without, begin in this place of imagining and allowing. Nothing happens if you can’t imagine it and allow it to be possible.  So begin to imagine what you might want your life to look like, imagine how you want to be, imagine what you want to be doing, how you want to be doing it, where you want to be doing, with who you want to be doing it with. 

A word of warning is that when it comes true, it might not look exactly like you envision it because the universe knows better and will manifest it even greater or better than you can imagine it. But there in the manifestation will be the true essence of your dream or wish or desire come true.

You might have to look for it. Because it’s wrapped within what you heart and soul knows is the dream within the dream.

An entire universe of possibilities exist first within your imagination and then later they can take root in the outer world if you are willing to help manifest them.


Be willing to create a life that reflects

your deepest loves and desires and values

in every detail

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