A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Feed Your Body and Soul with Delicious Foods


February 15


Feed Your Body and Soul with Delicious Foods


Food occupies a large amount of time in our life. We have a physical and emotional relationship with food.

What is your relationship with food?

Our goal is always to be more healthful with our eating. We focus on what kind of nutrition or health or how it will affect our weight and looks.

It is usually your emotional relationship with food that affects your eating habits more than your physical relationship with food. You know you should have more fruits and vegetables but you stuff your feelings with potato chips instead.

If you focus on healing your emotional relationship with food, your eating habits will naturally become healthier.

If we feed our soul with food it will enhance our well-being. Sharing wonderful food with family and friends or just enjoying our favorite meal without guilt feeling does your spirit good.

Food is more than just feeding your body, Food nourishes our soul.

Our favorite foods make us happy, they lift our spirits, and they make us feel special and yes they still do feed our bodies. 

Eating healthy is important but so it indulging in our favorite foods. It is a matter of balance not a matter of denial.

Much of our social lives revolve around food and drink. There is a reason for this. Food may feed your body but more importantly it nourishes your soul. It doesn’t even matter what the meal is. If it is shared with family and friends it is always good.

You can also make a solo meal with yourself special too. Spend time preparing your favorite meal. Set the table with your best china and light a candle, play some music, have a glass of wine or your favorite drink. I remember as a young girl sometimes stopping at my great aunts house to check on her. And there she would be cooking a big meal for herself, with the table set with her best china. She told me to remember to always enjoy a good meal with the good china on any day because it was important to enjoy eating. I now have that china.

Plan a meal with your partner or your family or a friend or just plan a special meal for yourself.

Take out Your Best China

Cook Your Favorite Meal (invite a friend if you want)

Feed Your Body and Nourish Your Soul.

And Don’t Forget Dessert!

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