A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Live in the Sunshine

August 1

Live in the Sunshine

The sun rises each morning bring a new day upon the horizon of our life. Each dawn we get to choose to either hide away or live in the sunshine.

Choose to live in the Sunshine of your life. Light up your life, light up your day, light up your life. Be the Light in your own life.  Be the light in the life of others.

Feel the sun’s energy. Fill with the energy of the sun.

Go outside. Walk, skip, jump, dance in the sunshine. The dance of the sunshine is full of energy and enthusiasm, movement and joy.

In the sunlight, you can see and be seen in all aspects and dimensions of yourself. Dare to shine in your light. Dare to be you.

Shine in your spotlight, let your own unique light shine through you into all of your life.

Get out and enjoy the sunshine. It shines on you and all you have to offer the world.

Go Outside, Soak up the Sunshine

and Share your Light!

(Don’t forget the sunscreen)

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