A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


June 1



Where has the time gone? June marks the halfway point in the year.

What have ben your greatest accomplishments?

What do you still want to do?

Have you changed your mind about something you wanted to do and now don’t or discovered something new that you would love to explore?

When you reflect, focus on what you have accomplished, what you have worked through, how you have persevered through rough spots.

What has felt right? What isn’t feeling right? Where so you think you should make adjustments?

Often at this point we see where we turned on a side road and we can decide if it is a side road we wish to continue or if we should head back to the path/dream we started out on the first of the year.

Sometimes we may seem off path but we have actually turned down a new better path.

Maybe you have discovered that the path you are on and the path you started out on don’t seem to fit you anymore. Internal growth may have shifted you and now you need to shift directions and paths.

And if you are lucky you have been moving along towards you dreams, desires and plans and feel great about it all.

It doesn’t matter where you are but it does help to reflect and see if you want to make any shirts, changes or edits.

Recenter, Refresh, and Move Forward Confidently

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