A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Breathe Deeply


February 11


Breathe Deeply


Breathing is something we often take for granted. Our body takes in breaths without us have to be conscious of it.

Become aware of your breath. Pay attention to the rhythm of your breath. Are you breathing fast or slow? Are you breaths shallow or deep? Are you breathing through your mouth or your nose or both? How long is your inhalation? Your exhalation? Your pause in-between?

Have you felt a shift in your body, mind or energy as you are focused on your breathing?

Your breath is your life force. It effects how your body, mind and spirit function as you move through your day.

Breathing is an easy and simple tool for improving your daily health and well-being.

By breathing deeply you can calm your nerves and reduce the stress on your body. Breathing keeps your nervous system in balance giving you enough energy and good health throughout the day.

Oxygen invigorates your energy levels, leads to creativity, insights and solutions.

Deep breathing creates a sense of calm in your mind and body

Step outside. Take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with fresh air.

Breathing near water-any water even your shower is filled with molecules that support your health and happiness.

Become aware of your breathing. Deepen it. Pause between inhalation and exhalation.

A regular practice of simple, deep breathing,

  • Reduces anxiety and depression
  • Lowers/stabilizes blood pressure
  • Increases energy levels
  • Improves immunity
  • Decreases feelings of stress and overwhelm

You can learn all different types of deep breathing techniques such as belly breathing and alternate nose breathing if you want to.

But to get the benefits all your need to do is simply stop, become aware of your breath, and take 3 deep breaths. If you do this several times a day either upon waking and going to sleep or when you feel stress, or some kind of trigger that upsets you.

The mind, body and spirit are deeply connected and influence each other with each breath you take.

Stop, pay attention to your breath. Appreciate your breath. Then you will be on your way to a healthier you.

Take a Deep Breath

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