Getting back to my self, life and my soul’s work
I find that I am emerging now from that Dark Night of the Soul. Transition time. Moving form the step back that life circumstances through in my way, back to the life I had created in part on my way to the dream life.
Emerging from the Dark Night of the Soul is exciting yet scary. Often the fear can overtake the excitement. It can make you even consider stepping back into the Dark Night of the Soul. Yet the energy is moving forward and you must keep walking through the weave of light and darkness. Seeing light at the end of the tunnel is encouraging and fills one with hope. So you keep moving forward in faith.
During these last 3 years I learned, well learned again that life is a continual spiral that sometimes includes steps backwards and many more side-trips. Life is an evolving masterpiece. And there is always lessons to learn in taking steps backwards and especially on side-trips.
For those of you that have followed along when I have been good about writing and blogging, I am sure you can see that I have been redesigning and making changes on the website with more to come.
I am excited about reopening my practice after a few years of only doing a few clients these last years. I needed to regain my own footing and direction.
It’s been interesting shifting through the past, through all my past learning, and works, and programs I have designed and taught over the years. Shifting through them, remembering successes and failures, things I loved and the things I did because I thought I should.
One of my concerns has been, that many of the people who I have been mentored by or whom I see doing work much the same to myself seem perfect like once they achieved their goal, success or ‘enlightenment’ they keep soaring from there, remaining perfect and getting better.
Of course, I know that in life we all have obstacles, situations and circumstances we face everyday, they don’t make a habit of reminding us they still have the fall backs, the set backs and the occasional dark night of the soul. What we see is the good stuff, the successes. We see them fully successful. Successful face forward all the time. We don’t see behind the door, off the social media.
I hesitate every time I write about falling, taking steps backward, because how am I to instill confidence in a client that I can help them move forward if they see I haven’t been able to actually practice my dream fully these last few years?
Stepping back out and opening a practice again is even harder than the first leap and then leaping and starting over again when I moved.
Part of my practice is teaching regrouping, reinventing, starting over. I have done it before. Now I am doing it again. I still don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle together yet, but I am using everything I have and know and teach to others so I know it works.
Writing is starting to flow again. Ideas are flowing again. I am getting back into the energy flow, the creative flow. I have reviewed knowledge, courses, and studies I have done, I have redone certifications, I have upgraded and expanded certifications. I have done new certifications.
Most importantly, I am again reconnecting with myself, my soul, my divine connection. I think I wrote once that this is an ongoing evolution of soul not a once and done deal. Each spiral of life goes into the core essence deeper and deeper ever unfolding. So I am unfolding and new deeper level of my being to bring forth into the world.
So here I am sharing my failures and my starting over with you once again. Being authentic and vulnerable.
I will keep you posted.
New Book, New Projects, New Programs Coming
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