A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Be Mindful

June 3

 Be Mindful

As you go through your day today, remember to be mindful. Feel the sun and summer breeze on your skin, see the signs of summer around you, smell the flowers, the air, the scents of summer, taste the cold beverage you are enjoying and the summer foods.

Take time to sit outside, just be. Don’t think about what you have to do. Just soak in the sights around you. Observe. Don’t judge or let your mind wander. Be still.

Notice the colors, the sights, the activities going on around you. What are you seeing?

We often go through our days moving too quickly to take in our surroundings. Notice your surroundings today.

Is there something that you hadn’t noticed before that has probably always been there?

Summer is a great time to revisit and practice mindfulness. It feels like life is coming back alive as the weather warms and we get outside more often.

Our activities move outside as we focus on grilling, barbeques, lazy days outside, yard work, going to the beach, going camping, walking, biking and hiking.

It is important to be fully engaged, to enjoy these moments as well as our regular everyday moments.

By paying attention, being observant, being present, you experience the fullness of the each moment. You notice and appreciate moments that you would have missed, or taken for granted.

Pay Attention, Be Observant, Be Present

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