November 2
Color Outside the Lines
We are trained to color inside the lines, to follow the rules, to do as you are told, to do things the way you are taught.
We often live our life between the lines. We follow the rules of society, of what we were taught and told.
Often those lines stifle our creativity, limits our possibilities and holds us back from pursuing our dreams.
Did you always color between the lines in your coloring books or did you ignore what you were told and colored outside the lines?
We might have been told that our dream was foolish, impractical or even impossible. So we choose a smaller dream or even just followed the path that we were expected to follow.
As an adult are you living your life still coloring inside the lines?
Are you playing it safe? Trying to do it right? Staying in your comfort zone? Keeping your creativity in check? Holding your own personality back? Still following the rules you were told growing up? Doing what is expected of you by others?
Always living your life coloring between the lines shuts off your creativity, your uniqueness, your untapped potential, your genius.
Have you even taken a risk to do something that everyone else thought was crazy or unconventional?
Maybe the life you desire seems a bit unconventional to someone who has chosen to live a more traditional lifestyle. Maybe your creativity may not be seen as profitable or viable.
It’s time to use all the bright colors you contain, to color outside the lines. You are a unique individual make the choice to be true to yourself.
Allow Yourself to Color Outside the Lines