A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

What are You Thinking?


March 13


What are You Thinking?


Your thoughts are probably hindering your awareness of present moment. They are influencing how you perceive what is happening in your life.

Much of our thoughts just happen. They run through our mind. They surface without thinking. We often let our thoughts run our life. When we are not aware of what is actually going on around us, we allow our thoughts to tell us how we think and feel. Our thoughts are often not accurate they are fear based or past based.

When you make decisions or choices on your thoughts that are past based or fear based, it is not based on the present circumstances or situation. We often judge ourselves, others and life based on our thoughts that are rooted in our sub-conscious mind from some past experience.

Thoughts can be deliberate when we think, contemplate, examine through awareness, mindfulness or being fully present.

Mindfulness and Awareness bring us into the present where we can notice whether our thoughts are based in current facts or old experiences and beliefs. Any pain we are experiencing is often caused by our thoughts of the past or even the future that doesn’t exist in the here and now. 

Mindfulness teaches us that we are not our thoughts, they are just thoughts that come and go. Our feelings about what is going on is based on the thoughts we are having that arise.

Being aware of your thoughts allows you to be conscious of what actually is based in the current circumstance and situation.

Develop a healthy awareness with your thoughts. Notice them, be aware of them, don’t pretend or disregard them, but don’t identify with them. Let them flow through you and releasing without latching on to them.

If a thought tries to take hold, question it, ask questions. Is it really true?

You can make a choice to accept the thought as true or reject it.

If you decide to accept it, you have made a choice in the present moment that can then move you forward into changing the situation or circumstance.

As a writer we say, change your story, change your life. Our thoughts are often just stories we tell ourselves from our perceptions and interpretations that aren’t true, either never were or have changed over time. Our stories often are actually misinterpretations based in the emotional experience at the moment it occurred.

Notice Your Thoughts. Pay attention to your thoughts. Question your thoughts. Changing Your Thoughts can be Life Changing

Develop an Awareness of Your Thoughts



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