A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Food or Presents

November 17

Food or Presents

Do you prefer Thanksgiving or Christmas?

Thanksgiving Day is the day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest that has been received for the previous year. Thanksgiving is often associated with family gatherings and celebrating by feasting on turkey with filling, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pies. Focusing on food.

Christmas is a religious day celebrating the birth of Jesus.  For the most part now Christmas more associated with Santa Claus, a jovial figure with a huge belly and a long beard that gives presents to the good children and coal to the bad children. During Christmas, families come together to celebrate and exchange gifts among each other. Focusing on gifts.

Because the gift factor is not part of thanksgiving the focus can be more around family and food. Food preparation and family participation can take center stage without distractions.

But Christmas is all that and more. With decorations, Christmas trees, lights, all the tinsel and gold one can imagine included. It outshines thanksgiving. 

So many people tend to skip on over Thanksgiving to get into Christmas. Everyone seems to be so in a hurry to get to the big holiday that includes presents and food that sometimes I think Thanksgiving is overlooked.

So then do you look forward to the food or the gifts more?

Take the Time to Prepare for Thanksgiving and appreciate it before rushing into Christmas season.

What is your Favorite Holiday?

Take the Time to Appreciate

what each Holiday has to Offer


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