A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Forget about Perfection

November 18

Forget about Perfection

As we begin holiday preparations, we often envision everything going perfectly. We want everything to be perfect.

We want the food to be delicious but also look beautiful. We what the house clean so there isn’t a speck of dirt. Yet I think each of us know deep down that something will go wrong. Still we put the pressure on ourselves to make everything perfect.

We rush around stressed and anxious. We get upset at the smallest thing.

When you put pressure on yourself and others to have the holidays be a certain way, it becomes a stressful chore rather than a festive holiday time. This keep you from enjoying the holidays.

What if you just forget about perfection, do your best, have fun and go with the flow and embrace the imperfections when they show up?

Perfection isn’t realistic. Good enough is really good enough.

To relax and enjoy the holiday season:

  • Give yourself a break. Everything will be wonderful even if the gravy comes out lumpy.
  • Ask others to help and accept help that is offered. And be willing to let others do something’s their way.
  • Be willing to leave some things undone.
  • Let the people in your life be who they are
  • Recognize that it’s often the imperfections of a situation that foster growth, laughter and even lasting memories
  • Make sure you have time for yourself
  • Practice acceptance and gratitude

Relax, Be Happy, Have Fun, Enjoy the Holiday Season

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