A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Express Yourself with Spring Colors

April 14


Express Yourself with Spring Colors

What colors do you usually always have around you in your environment? What colors fill your wardrobe?

Colors are coming alive in nature all around you. Which colors are you drawn to?

Is it the green grass and green leaves on the trees? Or is it the colors of the flowers, red, yellow, purple, orange, pink, or blue?

Do you have any of these colors in your home or in your wardrobe?

Add some of these colors to your home. Buy a red pillow for the couch or yellow curtains for the kitchen or paint a wall a blue or purple shade.

Add color to your wardrobe. Maybe a new orange shirt or new floral sundress or even a bright red pair of shoes.

Different color flowers have different meanings.

If you want to add some passion to your life, add some red.

If you want to add some happiness and joy to your life add some yellow.

If you want to add some gentleness, and femininity to your life add some pink.

If you want to add some excitement and enthusiasm to your life add some orange!

If you want to add some tranquility and peace to your life add some shades of blue.

If you want to feel successful, admiration or tradition add some purple

If you want good health, good fortune and youthfulness add some green.

Add a Spring of Color to Your World


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