A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Check-in With Yourself

June 5


Check-in With Yourself

How are you feeling? Are you feeling progress with yourself and your life?

Do you feel like something is still missing or not working right?

Are you taking care of yourself?

Are you happy with the way your life is going?

Is there something you want to do?

Something you want to let go off?

Something you want to change?

Life is an ongoing work of art. It is a journey of creating you and your life.

As in creating a work of art, it is a process of planning, doing, stepping back and evaluating and adjusting the creation as you go along. Your life process isn’t much different.

Approach your life creation as you would a create expression of art, whether your art is writing, drawing, music, dance, or a craft.

You are on a journey of creating you and your life. It is a process, it may never be finished completely. You may change mediums, modalities, and tools along the way.

You are the most important creation you will create in your life.

In order to flourish your feelings, desires, wants, needs, wishes and dreams are important.  

Don’t Be Afraid to Change Course or Make Adjustments

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