A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Imagination – Believe in Your Dreams

January 3



Imagination and Dreaming are tied together. Imagination is the foundation. Dreams are the framing of your structure. From there you can build the process of the dream into reality.

What you often call your dreams are practical dreams that arise from your active mind.

Real true dreams come from your deep mind-the mind of your heart and soul. Those are the dreams I want you to imagine.

Your imagination is where your dreams first come from. If you don’t allow yourself to let your imagination run wild then your true dreams may never truly surface.

In writing a fiction story, the author lets there imagination take over. The story comes out through allowing the imagination free reign. And then let it run crazy with any thought that comes up. No judgment. No censorship.

This is where I get caught up. Judgment is natural because we are taught to judge things by the standards and beliefs of others. It’s easy to get caught up in dismissing my dreams especially the ones I think are too impractical or those that I feel like I need something I don’t have to make it possible (usually money). Yet I know I have had dreams come true.

What have you imagined and dismissed or judged in anyway? What dreams have come true in some way? Maybe not in the exact way you imagined it but that house is built now just not the design you dreamed. Or maybe the design is what you imagined but the location is someplace else.

You might be willing to take a few minutes to daydream and imagine but then you dismiss it thinking that is impossible or impractical. And it maybe. But at this point don’t dismiss anything. Later in the process you might come up with a way to make it possible.

Don’t dismiss those dreams that have happened.  Don’t dismiss any new dreams that seem impossible. Hold on to them. Keep them in your mind.

What is it you dream of? What would you like your life to look like? What would you heart love to do? What would you do if you could do anything you want without restrictions?

Know that your imagination holds valuable information into what you can do and what will make your heart full of joy.

From there Dreams sprout. Before you can create your dreams you must imagine your dreams.

You must then believe your dreams are important and possible somehow, someway.

The story of Cinderella comes to mind.

For a plain yellow pumpkin
To become a golden carriage!

For a plain country bumpkin
And a prince to join in marriage,

And four white mice
Will never be four white horses
Such fol-de-rol and fiddledy dee dee
Of course is

But the world is full of zanies and fools
Who don’t believe in sensible rules
And won’t believe what sensible people say,

And because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes
Keep building up impossible hopes
Impossible things are happening every day!”

Rodgers and Hammerstein’s
Cinderella the Musical – Impossible Lyrics

Believe in Your Dreams!

Impossible Things are Happening Every Day!

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