A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Prioritize Your Nurturing

November 29


Prioritize Your Nurturing

This time of year we are often leaning more towards nurturing others and neglecting our own self-care.

Caring for others can be nurturing but make sure you are not nurturing others and ignoring your own self-care needs.

It is important part of our life to take care of others, to be there for them, especially family.

For many of us nurturing others is much easier than caring for ourselves or allowing others to care for us.

If we forget to nurture ourselves, then our act of nurturing others becomes a strain on ourselves.

We cannot nurture others from a dry well. We need to take care of our own needs first, then we can give from our surplus, our abundance,” Louden in The Woman’s Comfort Book, says.

True Nurturing is an expression and a sustaining of the state of abundance. That means that we should nurture others from a place of abundance helping them achieve a state of abundance.  

You must remember to nurture yourself in order to nurture others so that the nurturing fulfills the giver and the receiver.

Strike a Balance between Nurturing Yourself and Nurturing Others

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