A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Trust Your Feelings and Ideas, Inner Voice & Intuition


January 27


Trust Your Feelings, Ideas,           Inner Voice & Intuition


Do you hear your inner voice? Do you trust your intuition?

Trust yourself. Trust in the power of life to guide you. Trust to know what is right for you. When you make choices and decisions listening to yourself, your inner voice and intuition, you become more true to yourself.

Wisdom comes from knowledge, experience and from deep within your soul. Are you willing to hear your soul? Are you open to exploring the wisdom within yourself?

Do you listen to yourself? Or do you listen more to someone else? Learn to distinguish your inner voice from the voices of others.

Listen to your inner voice. What is it telling you? Are you questioning it? Why are you questioning it?

Trust yourself to know what is right for you. Trust your choices and decisions Trust your feelings. Don’t be afraid to follow your inner guidance even if it seems crazy, silly or doesn’t make logical sense. Trust you feelings, what feels right is right.

Sometimes you will feel a knowing inside you in which you have no clue why you know it. Listen to it. It is coming from deep inside you.

 I often feel this tingling that I know something is going to happen or I should do something or not do something. In the early hours of the morning before I am fully awake thoughts come at me from somewhere on what I should do or how I should do something.

I know that these are answers to my prayers and questions of what I should work on next or what direction I should take. Sometimes I act on them, sometimes I can’t act on them right away. I know when I do I move forward into something new and exciting.

Sometimes I just write them down until I can feel the energy to move forward with the guidance. I act on them when it feels right. Truth is, I wish I didn’t hesitate most of the time but my conscious mind, my fears and doubts take hold. Sometimes though it is just life that gets in the way.

Learning to follow your intuition and inner guidance is a work in progress. I know that I am getting better and better at it. And I am much happier when I do follow the guidance even if I don’t know if or how it will turn out.

 Practice listening. Develop your intuition.

You can fine tune and develop your intuition through meditation. Simple sitting quietly and listen, taking a walk in nature, journal, pay attention to your dreams, get creative, pay attention to sudden feelings, notice your body’s reactions when things are happening, ask a question and listen for an answer.

Form a bond of trust with your inner voice.

Your life will unfold as you walk forward making choices following your guidance, being true to what is right for you. Your inner guidance and intuition will help walk through change and move forward.

You can go through your life without the vision or a plan for your life but you do need to follow your inner knowing, your intuition of what feels right for you. And when you combine your inner knowing and intuition with a vision to guide you. There is no limit to what dreams you can create.

Are you listening to and taking action from your intuition and inner voice? What makes you ignore it or hesitate? The answers to your questions about your life are inside your heart. Listen closely to what it is telling you.

What is your inner voice telling you today? Sit down and listen. Pay attention. Trust your intuition. Don’t be afraid to act on the impulses of your inner guidance.

What do you know that you don’t know how you know?

Embrace and Trust Your Inner Knowing


Everything You Need is Inside You

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