A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Open to Life’s Magic

May 10


Open to Life’s Magic


Are you present and available in your life? Or are you just going through the motions every day? You must make yourself available and present in your life to be open to receive the magic of life.

Having Faith, Trust, Believing in Yourself, Taking Action, Doing, Stretching, Risking, Playing, Being Silly, Having Fun, Being Lighthearted.

You must be vulnerable, have experiences, explore, be curious, be serious, experience the full range of emotions, contemplate, process, be flexible, in order to live life fully and abundantly.

When you live life, rather than walk through life, when you observe life rather than react to it you allow the energy of magic to flow.

You probably know people whose life appears magically to you. But if you look closely they have had just as many challenges and setbacks, as everyone has. They just believe in themselves. They believe in life, in the magic of life. They know that as long as they are fully engaged and present in every moment an opportunity will show up, the answer or idea will show up, things will flow.

Being engaged doesn’t mean doing and doing, rushing and stressing. It means being present through each experience. It means balancing doing and not doing, taking action and resting, working and playing, giving and receiving.

It means following your intuition, your guidance, taking a risk on an opportunity that arises. It may even mean doing exactly opposite of what is ‘right’ and doing what feels right. It means trusting yourself and having faith.

Your life will lead you to what is next and right for you. Listen to your heart. Listen to the whispers of your life.

Let Life Revel itself to You


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