A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


August 15


Sleepovers were often something we loved having when we were young.

What are your memories of going to or hosting a slumber party?

 A slumber party is a great way to revive wonderful memories of your youth or to just relieve some stress from an overbooked life.

It is a great idea for a girlfriend evening.

Slumber parties were a time of fun when secrets were whispered, dreams were shared, or we mended a friend’s broken heart.

Pick a date. Send some invitations. Gather the decorations, And Have a PJ party.

Mix and match some of your favorite childhood snacks and drinks with some adult snacks and drinks.

For activities again mix and mash some of your favorite childhood movies or board games with some adult activities. How about a spa slumber party?

An adult slumber party is a great way to break away from the usual routine, reconnect with friends, and have some fun.

Plan an adult pajama party and experience the crazy fun, laughter, and conversation you enjoyed at slumber parties you attended in your youth.

Have a Pajama Party

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