A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


May 21



Synchronicity is when unrelated events seem to have a connection to each other. When you hear of see the same thing over and over, when or something you have never done seems familiar or comfortable. Or coincidences that become deeply meaningful to you.

Synchronicities are experiences that have more meaning to you than the actual event, something that touches your heart and soul in a way you don’t expect.

Often a miracle of magic occur in our life through synchronistic events. These events can guide us to possibilities and opportunities we have no idea where even in existence. Something we hadn’t even thought of for ourselves or our life.

Coincidences are often guidance from the universe or divine or whatever you have placed your faith in.

When you are open to life, to yourself, to the world, have faith and believe in magic and miracles, open to possibilities synchronistic events occur because you have faith and believe in the magic of possibilities.

Synchronistic events can guide you and lead you to be curious about something you never would have thought about or explored.   

It can let you know that you are on the right path or lead you to a completely new path. It can lead you to and through transformation and insight.

Synchronicity is a string of events that seem to be highly symbolic and meaningful to you.

Pay attention to the synchronicities in your life. They may be guiding you in new directions. Or opening doors of possibilities and opportunities.

Allow Synchronistic Events to

Lead You in New Directions

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