A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Active vs. Passive

April 22


Active vs. Passive


Are you in the driver’s seat or the passenger’s seat of your life?

You might think the ‘correct’ answer is to be in the driver’s seat. But you must balance moving forward with letting things come to you, and sometimes you just need to go for a ride and see where life takes you.

The trick is to know when to actively be the driving forces behind your dreams, goals and vision and when to let others and the universe open doors that you don’t know exist.

Sometimes you need to actively go out into the world and create your dreams, take action for your goals. Other times in life you need to go with the flow, be present, live in the moment and go for the ride of your life.

When you are in the driver’s seat you have control of the wheel and can just go straight as fast as possible or you can take a side trip of your own choosing. You decide. It’s your choice. Being in control is what we are told is the best choice. And often you have to make the effort to create the results you desire.

Being in control you can drive yourself too hard, and too fast which can lead to burnout and exhaustion causing health issues, physical, mental and emotional.

Sometimes you need a rest, you need to slow down. You might need to see a new perspective or find a new direction. Be observant. See the beauty along the side of the road.

Be flexible, let other, people, places, and events help you grow and strengthen into your core.

Balancing being active and being passive keeps you and your life in balance. It opens all aspects of who you are. To live a more authentic lifestyle.

Do You Need to take the Driver’s Seat or Be the Passenger in Your Life Right Now?

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