A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Connect to Your Creativity

June 7


Connect to Your Creativity

Creative expression makes you feel alive, excited and reignites your passion towards life.

Creativity takes all kinds of forms. A creative pursuit is anything you enjoy doing that sparks your creativity, your imagination and gets you excited about creating something.

What stands in the way of you releasing your inner creativity?

Don’t worry about what anyone else will think, regain your childlike curiosity, playfulness. No one is judging you and who cares if they do.

Is there an artist pursuit you enjoy? Then jump in and get creative.

Is there an artistic pursuit or hobby you would like to take up?

What is it?

What one action can you take today that will get you started?

We often think of creativity as drawing, painting, singing, dancing, and the arts. But creativity penetrates all of life and everything you do.

Creativity can be used in your everyday life. Incorporating creativity into your day and daily routines, finding new and better ways to accomplish things boost your confidence and sense of doing something worthwhile.

You can use creativity in decorating your home, getting dressed in the morning, making dinner, doing chores, in your work, how you work.

Creativity is the spark that makes your work or daily life enjoyable, interesting, and flowing. Creativity creates joy within you. It makes you happy. 

Being creative brings not only happiness but also a sense of accomplishment. It makes you feel good.

Creativity moves you towards self-actualization.

So how can you add some creativity to your day?

Add Some Creativity into Your Day

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