A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Making Memories

July 31

Making Memories

The halfway point of summertime has arrived. Time is running out before the days of summer begin to fade into memories.

How is your memories making going? Do you have a collection of stories and memories and photos to look back on when the day get cold?

Every moment, every experience you are creating memoires, some will fade away and some will last a lifetime.

Making memories that will last a lifetime is a testament to living a full, fulling life. Not only are we making memories for our self to look back upon as we grow old but we are creating memoires for our loved ones to hold onto when we are no longer able to be with them.

Enjoying life, having fun, having experiences, stepping out of our comfort zone, making dreams come true, being happy, lead to a happy fulling life that leaves a lasting impression of who you are.

What experiences do you still want to have this summer? What items on your bucket list have you yet to accomplish or make time for?

It’s time to revisit that list of things you planned to do this summer.

Cross off what you have done. Recall the memory.

Cross off anything you feel like you no longer want to do or need to do.

Add something new you have discovered along your path this summer that you would now love to do or do more of.

Schedule time and make plans for at least 2 or 3 more items on that bucket list.

Revisit Your Summer Bucket List

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