A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Savor the Everyday Sacred in the Ordinary

May 18


Savor Everyday Sacred in the Ordinary


Miracles are found when we see the sacredness of ordinary moments. We can create miracles by seeing the sacredness in the things we do. The simple everyday things we do. We can make those moments sacred.

We make something sacred by the way we approach it. Rather than just having a cup of tea or coffee as we rush to get ready for our day. You take the time to smell it, taste it and appreciate that it is helping us to get started and moving. It provides us with our fuel to go forward into whatever is waiting for us.

To make something sacred you only need to value it and appreciate it, acknowledge that is it important to you.

Do you savor simple joys of your life? What are the simple pleasures of your everyday life? Do you appreciate them or honor them in anyway? How can you make those moments sacred to you?

Being attuned to the sacredness of ordinary moments awakens joy within you. When you feel the joy in the ordinary, you appreciate life more fully.

It lifts you up, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It opens you to possibilities of life, of your life. It provides hope and wellbeing.

Honor and Appreciate a Simple Ordinary Moment in Your Life today


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