A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Simplify Your Life

June 15


Simplify Your Life

We often think of simplifying our life as simply cleaning our home and getting rid of things that we don’t want or need anymore. And that is a first step towards simplifying your life.

Start with this step by uncluttering your space. It is important to have things that you love, that hold memories that are important to you so keep what you desire. But get rid of anything that isn’t providing you with function, taking care of your needs, or that provide you with support, or that you just love.

Everything in your life takes up space. We collect much more than things. We collect thoughts, beliefs, and even other people’s stuff. It is often mental clutter that causes us anxiety, fear, even health issues and holds us back from being our true self and living our best life.

To unclutter your mind ask if the thought is empowering. Becoming more aware of the thoughts in your head will help you determine if they are empowering you.

Are you holding on to beliefs passed down from family or others that have never been true or are no longer true for you?

Let go of worry. Practice mindfulness.

By simplifying your life you will create more energy, increase your mood along with providing space for the life you desire. The more space you have the freer you will feel.

You need to also eliminate clutter from your mind. You don’t usually consider or think about all those unnecessary thoughts cluttering your mind.

Eliminate clutter from your home, work area and from your mind to balance the energy flow of your life.

Declutter Your Mind and Your Life

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