A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Step into Your Personal Power

June 28

Step into Your Personal Power

Are you willing to step into your personal power? Have you given your power over to someone or something else?

What is personal power mean to you? What does being fearless mean to you?

Personal power comes from within you. It is more about your inner qualities, having inner strength, courage, and faith, trust in your abilities and knowing yourself enough to know what is right for you.  

Owning your personal power means knowing and being true to your values, advocating for yourself in positive ways. Speaking up for yourself when necessary. It also means owning your mistakes and wrong choices. It is being true and honest to yourself.

Stepping into your personal power is being confident in making your own choices and decisions. Knowing that you matter. Taking care of yourself.

If fear and doubt were removed from your mind would you live differently? What would you do?

How would it feel to be fearless?

Being fearless doesn’t mean not having fears. It means acknowledging your fears and be willing to step out of your comfort zone, break through limitations and walk through those fears.

To step into your personal power maintain a positive mindset, value yourself, believe in yourself, trust yourself, practice self-care and build a supportive network.

  Dare to be different and go forth being true to yourself.

Step into Your Personal Power, Be Fearless

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