A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


July 9


To thrive is to grow and prosper despite circumstances. You grow and flourish and develop successfully.

The definition of successful is what is important to you to be true to yourself and live a life you love.

Turn your attention inward to find what makes you feel good. In knowing what makes you happy, and successful you will thrive through any situation that arises.

Thriving is being confident with yourself and having the inner strength to move through circumstances doing your best, being true and honest with yourself.

To thrive you invest in yourself and in your life.

When you invest in yourself, you learn what you need to learn to move forward toward your goals, towards the things that matter to you.

You dare to be yourself, true to yourself and your values.

It’s more than surviving which is just living through whatever it is occurring. Thriving means you walk through it, learn and progress and successful make your way through hardships and difficulties, making you and your life better in the process.

You stand true to yourself and move towards your desires, wishes and dreams.

Obstacles become challenges and opportunities. You are fearless in your belief in yourself. You know you can learn and master each life lesson. You can master anything you set your mind to. Anything that is in line with your values and to your true self.

You are strong. You are confident. You are capable of handling with grace everything that life throws at you.

Go Forth Flourish and Prosper

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