A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Uncertainty to Inspiration

August 9

Uncertainty to Inspiration

I have found myself in a place of needing new inspiration even as I am offering you inspiration.

Sometimes life takes on a life of itself and we lose our inspiration even in the midst of the things that we have to deal with and walk through that have come our way and interrupted our path of life.

Changes and transformations often lead to doors closing on the path(s) we have been walking down and heading towards. Settling into a new situation sometimes sheds a light on another situation that you need to shift and change as well. Opening another door of uncertainty.

To move from uncertainty to moving in a new direction you need to be inspired to choose a new path to turn down or at least explore.

Inspiration turns to excitement, hope and enthusiasm that opens doors provides motivation, guidance and focus needed to push open the next door and move forward into the next change and transformation of yourself and your life.

Where does inspiration come from when you are in the midst of uncertainty?

You find inspiration from anywhere and everywhere. Keep your heart open, be open to everything around you, everything you do, see, hear, touch, and feel. Pay attention to those tingling’s of joy, peace, and excitement.

Inspiration is all around you. You need to pick up on what is inspiring you in this moment.

Finding Inspiration is a form of taking action because it is in taking action and doing things where your source of inspiration will come from. It doesn’t matter what you do, read, write, take a walk, bake a cake, listen to music, dance, go to a show or concert, have a conversation with a friend or stranger, draw, paint or take up a new hobby, meditate, listen to others conversations.

Move through uncertainty and change by finding new inspiration

Take Action. Be Open to New Inspiration

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