A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom


February 10


Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom


Your body is your chapel. It is what provides you with your physical life. We often neglect it, ignore and push it beyond its limits. Physically we need to care for it and take care of it.

All our bodies are different and each one has its own special needs. Your body has different needs than my body. You can start with medical and health suggestions and recommendations but ultimately it is up to you to meet the needs of your body.

So how do you do that? Your body is wise. It has wisdom beyond your intellectual understanding. You need to listen to the wisdom of your body.

We are not taught to really listen to our bodies, we only listen to it when it is not functioning the way we want it to. Learn to take the time and listen to your body.

Begin by lying down in a comfortable position. Take a couple of minutes to focus on your breathing. Remove your focus from your breath to your body. Notice any sensations or feelings you have.

Bring your attention to your feet, notice any feelings that are present, comfort or discomfort, itching, pressure, do not judge just notice it.

Don’t worry about where your mind wanders, notice any thoughts that arise and then bring your attention back to your body.

From your feet, move your attention up your body to you ankles, lower leg, knees, thighs, stomach, chest, arms, neck, and head.

Slowly step by step move up your body, sustaining focus on each section, notice tensions, feelings, and sensations that you feel or thoughts that come to you.

End by returning to your breath

You must practice this before you get good at really listening, hearing and understanding what your body is telling you. Your body is wise. Not only will it tell you about physical ailments or needs, it will also tell you how you are feeling inside.

Getting to know your body is important. When you get tense in the shoulders and neck it may mean you are anxious or stressed about something. Our stomach also may indicate that as well. But it may be fear or excitement.

If you learn to listen carefully, if you are familiar with yourself, trust your inner wisdom then your body will tell you what you need to know.

If you develop a relationship with your body and trust your inner wisdom you will learn to trust the messages your body is giving you.

Once you have a relationship with your body, you will hear it even when you have simple choices to make. When you want to exercise it will let you know what kind of movement it needs and how hard to push it or to take it a little easier today. It will let you know if you should take a walk, stretch your muscles, get active, or slow down and rest.

When you go to choose what to eat it will let you know if you are making a good choice. And yes it will even let you know if it is ok to eat a piece of cake or ice cream. It will let you know if you are craving it because you just want something sweet to eat or whether you are bored, stressed or anxious and need to make a different choice to feel better.

When you listen to your body, you will be able to give it the food, exercise, caring, kindness, and understanding that only you can know.

When you are tired-rest, when you are hungry-eat, when you need to drink – drink, when you are stressed-breath, when you need to stretch – move.

Check in with your body a few times a day.  Ask, “What would you like right now?”  Then go ahead and do it.

Pay Attention to Your Body it will

Tell You What it Needs




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