A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Corn on the Cob

July 23

Corn on the Cob

Why does corn taste so much better when it is eaten right off the cob?

As the corn on the cob arrives in the produce stands and grocery stores, summer has official begun.

It seems pretty much everyone has the “best way” to cook corn on the cob.

Boiling, Grilling, Baking, Microwaving. Add to it other ingredients like, butter, salt, pepper, barbeque sauce. Cook it in the husk, husk it, or cover it with foil. Add it to a seafood boil.

Look up corn on the cob recipes and see the many ways people have thought up to cook a simple delicious corn on the cob.

Corn on the cob is a food that is great cooked simply or dressed up and fancy.

What is your favorite way to prepare and cook corn on the cob?

Prepare, Cook and Savor some Corn on the Cob

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