A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Make a Bouquet


April 12


Make a Bouquet


Spring brings nature into bloom. Take a walk in the woods or in a meadow. Smell the grass and the flowers and fauna in as they begin to bloom around you.

What is it you need to bloom in your life? What can you do to bring the wonderful fun beautiful inside of you blossom?

It is time to begin to grow and thrive. Start gathering the items, knowledge, skills you need to bring your dream into reality.

Gather a collection of wild flowers to symbolize the items you need to flourish and prosper into your dream self and dream life.

Bring the collection of wild flowers home and create a bouquet in a vase of your choosing. The container can be something simple like a glass or a beautiful vase. The container is the base of your values, priorities, and what is most important to you. 

Then arrange the flowers in a way that represents your hopes, wishes and dreams.

Your dreams are created from your wild imagination, then you prepare yourself and your life into taking actions that will bring your dream into reality.

Each stem is a step towards your dream life, each bosom, represents a step which you have nurtured and grow into being.

The bouquet you create is the dream in all its different aspects and possibilities.

Turn your attention towards what makes you feel good, happy, successful, accomplished.

Flower into Bloom

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