A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Focus on the Best that can Happen

March 29


Focus on the Best that can Happen


We have a tendency to think about the worst case assumptions. Our mind natural goes to assuming the worst possibility. Our mind automatically wants to prepare us for the worst. It is not likely that what our mind dreams up as what can happen will ever happen. But that only makes us anxious, worried, and brings about our fears. It can leave us frozen from moving forward, from taking chances, trying new things.

If a change is happening that we have had no control over of if something out of our control is happening the dread from thinking the worst can send us into depression and make us sick. It keeps us from being resilient, taking positive action, seeking help and advice, and looking at options and possibilities.

In order to move through events, circumstances and situations whether we are choosing them or not that bring up our worst fears we must change our minds and our perspective.

Positive affirmations are one way of helping shift our thoughts from negative to positive. Looking for the gratitude shifts are focus. Looking for options and possibilities in the situation are another.

Know that you are capable and prepared to handle anything that comes your way. Acknowledge yourself and give yourself credit. Feel your feelings and your fear but take a risk anyway. Put your negative voice in perspective.

Stay optimistic. Have faith in yourself. Believe in yourself. Wash away all fear and be true to yourself. See the possibilities. Be alert for the opportunities. Embrace every situation in a positive way. Respond positively to life’s experiences. Allow yourself to grow through each experience.

Be bold. Be fearless. Risk is part of any change. Taking risks, focusing on the best that can happen will build confidence, and courage. Make choices that feel right for you.

If you look for the best that can happen, be grateful for the blessing within, it will change how you see things, will change your feelings, open doors of possibility that can lead to becoming excited about the unknown, about the possibilities of life. 

Become Excited about Life





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