A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Embrace the Unknown

March 30


Embrace the Unknown

We like to know where we are going and what is around the corner. We like to know where we are going and what is around the corner. We like having a plan, a road map. Sometimes though we find our self in a situation that we do not know what is next or what is going to happen. 

Life sometimes though throws us a curve ball. That sudden and unexpected event send us into the unknown spectrum of life. It can often be a terrifying place for those who love order and routine. It can even be daunting for those of us who sometimes enjoy being spontaneous.

Embracing the unknown allows you to change and grow and to really learn to live in the moment. By being present in the moment you can listen to your intuition, be open to seeing the possibilities, more alert to opportunities that show up and more free to take a risk and make a choice from your heart.

When you find yourself in the space of the unknown

  • Surrender to sitting in the void of the unknown
  • Stop imagining the worst outcomes
  • Accept that you don’t know right now
  • Stay in the present, with gratitude for what you do have
  • Focus on what feel right to you when you need to make choices
  • Keep your focus on the life you matters to you most in life, your values, your desires, the things you love, the people you love.

Sometimes life send you down an alternative path in which you discover what better than anything you could have imagined! Look for the magic of possibilities and opportunities. Seek challenges. Dare to weather any storm. 

Trust in the power of life, your intuition, yourself to guide you. Move forward joyfully. Believe in the possibilities. Take a leap of faith. Crave to know the unknown. Embrace the Unknown

Let Life Surprise You

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