A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Lazy Sundays

June 13

Lazy Sundays

There is something about a lazy Sunday morning. Walking up naturally, taking our time getting up, having that first cup of tea or coffee.

Now that the weather is warmer you can have that cup of tea/coffee on the porch or deck or sitting in the backyard.

Have a leisurely breakfast or brunch. Cook something you wouldn’t have time to cook on a weekday morning.

By mid-day we are often anxious and feel the need to get on with it and do something but once in a while it is good for our mental, emotional and physical well-being to just have a day to be lazy. Our bodies need a day off sometimes. It needs a break from us and our busy lives.

An early summer Sunday is perfect for letting yourself have a whole day of leisure and doing nothing but relax and enjoy the day.  

Give your brain and your body a day off and a chance to rest and recuperate. So indulge and take the whole day to relax and do nothing or well things that feel like doing nothing.

Stay in your pajama’s or put on some comfy clothes.

Take a bath, or a long leisurely shower.

Sit outside and read one of those summer reads you bought. Or just take a nap.

If it is a rainy Sunday then cuddle in bed and watch a movie or binge watch a show you have been wanting to see or just want to see again.

If you do feel the need to be a bit more ambitious, plan and cook a wonderful Sunday dinner for yourself. It could be your favorite meal you never take the time to make or create and try out a brand new recipe.

Or invite a friend over and enjoy a conversation, a cup of tea or a glass of wine.

But keep it simple. Keep it restful. Move slowly. Take your time. Sit down often. Lie down sometime. Be lazy.

Relax and Be Lazy


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