A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Mantra Meditation


March 18


Mantra Meditation


A Mantra Meditation is repeating a sound, word, or phrase over and over. It can be spoken out loud, spoken soften, chanted, or repeated in the mind. OM is the most popular sound associated with meditation. It is best if you choose what every works or resonates with you.

Mantra Meditation is another way to focus your attention, to concentrate and become present in the moment.

  • Choose a sound, word, or phrase. You can use the same mantra each time you meditate or you can choose a new one each time.
  • Set a timer for the amount of time you want to meditate. (Remember: Start in small increments and increase over time.)
  • Sit or lay comfortably, close your eyes
  • Begin to repeat the mantra you have chosen. Try saying it out loud, whispering it softly, chanting, and repeating in in your mind. Find what feels comfortable for you.
  • If you lose concentration, bring yourself back to repeating the mantra.
  • Continue until your alarm goes off.

Take 10 Minutes and do a Mantra Meditation





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