A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Write a Song

May 15


Write a Song


Music is a universal language. It has the power to move you, to reach into your emotions, to touch you, to make you dance or just feel good.

Think about the songs you love. What kind of songs do you like best? What songs move you? What songs do you connect with? Why?

Have you ever thought about writing your own song?

And yes you can write a song. It may not be a hit song but it will be your song.

You can write a song that expresses how you feel right now, or about something you are doing, or wish you were doing. Maybe you have heard a great line from someone and that can be your starting point.

Songs stimulate your imagination. Writing a song will stimulate your imagination.

Writing a song stimulates both the right and left sides of your brain. It represents, symbolizes and expresses your dreams, joys, heartbreaks, and yearning of the human spirit.

The benefits of Songwriting include:

  • Self-expression
  • Stress relief
  • Reducing anxiety and depression
  • It can lift your mood
  • It can make you laugh and be silly or focused and serious
  • Enriches the connection between your right and left brain
  • Improves brain functioning and slows brain aging
  • Improves memory


Start by coming up with your idea.

Then come up with a great hook line. And if you have the hook line that is a great place to start.

Focus on writing a chorus. Write a verse.

You can write the lyrics first or write a tune first.  

Make up a tune to go along with it. If you play an instrument then great write some music to go with your lyrics.

If not then just hum a tune or sing the word to a tune. It doesn’t matter if you just write a few lines, a verse or a chorus. Just Have Fun with it!

You can choose to keep it to yourself or share it.

Express Yourself through a Song You Make Up

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