April 25
Tap into Nature
Nature is alive and abundant. It settles into us in ways that reach into our breath, our bodies, our minds and our spirit.
Spending time outside in nature is always the answer to anything. Nature will never let you down. Even in the midst of a storm it there is something there nature is telling you or telling the world. It is full of energy, answers, and ideas.
To discover your own truths, your own answers to your questions, to contemplate, dream and create tap into the energy of nature.
If you need to ground yourself, walk barefoot in the dirt or sand. It you need to dream look out upon the stars or the clouds. If you need answers listen to the sounds of the wind in the trees, the birds singing, and the ocean waves.
Find time to just sit outside today, breath in the energy of nature. Feel it through your body. Let it rest your mind.
The ideas, the answers, the words you need to hear will come to you. And if what you need is peace it will just come over you.
When you are working on a project and not finding the solutions you need, or trying to figure out what to do next, or decide on a choice, and you are stuck or frustrated or just not sure what to do, step outside. Let nature bring you the ideas and answers you need. They are there and they will come to you.
Tap into the energy of nature. Let it heal you. Let it guide you.