A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Throw Caution to the Wind

October 4

Throw Caution to the Wind

The idea of throwing caution to the wind, to take a rise or try something dangerous or scary seems impractical and unsafe.

It’s not practical or sane to do something without being concerned about the risks. Or doing something dangerous that could cause us injury or harm.

Sometimes your being cautious is mostly fear holding yourself back. Often when look back, you discover your best results and opportunities came from moments when you threw caution to the wind and took a risk without worrying about the results. 

Have you ever moved to a new place just because you wanted to live there? Or took a job that everyone else thought you were crazy to leave you old job?

Have you started your own business? Or gone back to school?

How about going rock climbing? Or sky diving?

Or maybe you just started a new hobby or  decided to learn a new skill that your family or friends thought was crazy? 

Sometimes even though you know and realize the risks taking a chance and doing it anyway expands the limits you have set for yourself. It can open you up to seeing yourself from a new perspective. And it builds confidence. 

You can consider the risk involved in something you want to do or try but if you want to move forward into a new career or job, or move, or go sky diving, but you can still in the end decide to throw caution to the wind and do it anyway.

So throw caution to the wind and taking a risk, without worrying and knowing that you can deal with anything that happens is sometimes necessary to take a leap and move forward into your dreams. 

When was the last time you threw caution to the wind?

What is it you would love to do now that you are not doing because you are worrying and afraid of failing but if you succeed fill you with joy? And maybe even just trying will lift your confidence and help you feel good for just trying.

Calculate the risk of something you really desire and then throw caution to the wind and do it anyway without worrying about failing or not succeeding.

Take a Risk

Do Something You Would Love to Do


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