A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Make Room for Mystery & Magic

October 15

Make Room for Mystery & Magic

Mystery is something not understood or beyond understanding. Something you do not know was even possible nor how it could have happened. Unexplainable. Unknown. Cryptic. Secrecy. Vague.

Magic is the power of apparently influencing the course of events, to do impossible things by using mysterious or supernatural forces by saying special words or performing special actions.

With magic we connect words, or actions or objects to do the impossible right before our eyes. With mystery we do not how the magic happens.

Magic recreates childlike wonder and awe.

Some mysteries can eventually be resolved as in a mystery novel as the story unfold. We don’t know what is going to happen, and we follow the twists and turns engrossed in how it happened. Eventually the events that lead to the event are uncovered and you know what and how it happened.

Magic can be a perspective of the eye at times. It is all in what we see and don’t see.

Yet life is more fun when we allow both mystery and magic into our life. Let the mystery resolve itself or just allow it to be.

We often always want to know how to make something happen or why something happened. We try to know and to solve each and every problem or situation that comes our way. It can drive us crazy, make us stressed.

We forget the magic of mystery in our life.

Mystery is the acceptance of things we do not know or understand. It is a form of knowing that we cannot know. It is an awareness that there is something more, something bigger than us and the world that we cannot understand in this lifetime.

It is understanding that we cannot control everything and some things are best left to the universe, the magic of life.

It leads us into belief. Into believing. It is a faith in life itself.

Cultivate an attitude of believing and having faith in the absolute wisdom of the mystery and magic of life itself.

Allow Mystery to Perform Magic in Your Life

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