A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Bring the Outside Inside

April 29


Bring the Outside Inside


Our home is just as important as nature. It is a central part of the foundation of your life.

Bringing nature inside is an important element for those rainy days when you can’t get outside or those days when life responsibilities, work and chores just take up to much time to get outside. Most people do not spend much time outdoors. Spending most of our time inside, therefor it is vitally important for our health and well-being to bring the outside – inside.

Though getting outside each day should be part of your daily routines, bringing the outside inside will enhance the parts of your life that are lived inside.

There are many ways to bring the outside inside. Plants and animals are the most common ways we include nature into our life.

Go beyond a few plants and your pet. Look around your house. Notice any other elements you may have inside already.

Do you have wood floors or a granite countertop? Wood and stone are great natural elements to use in your home.

How about your windows? Do they bring enough sunlight into your house?

What about fabrics? Do you have curtains, bedspreads, tablecloths, pillows that have nature prints? If you don’t where can you had some?

Bring in natural textures, patterns and fibers like wicker and rattan in furniture, baskets, lamps and rugs. Use colors inspired by nature, greens, blues, yellow or neutral tones like beiges and tans or bright colors like red, purple, orange of flowers.

Look outside if it inspires you or makes you relaxed and calm find a way to incorporate it inside in your design.

Bringing nature inside your home and your office will make you calmer, reduces your anxiety and increases your mood.

Decorate with Natural Elements

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