A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Self-Care & Self-Nurturing


February 2


Self-Care & Self-Nurturing


What does self-care mean to you? What does self-nurturing mean to you? Is there any difference or is it all the same?

When you think of self-care do you think of bubble baths, massages, aromatherapy and expensive cosmetic products and services?

Do you feel like you don’t have the time or money for self-care?

Most often if you do any kind of self-care it is only focused on the body, and specifically with eating and exercising. If self-care is limited then self-nurturing is nonexistent. We believe we have no time for frivolous self-nurturing activities. We have been taught that it is selfish to have our own needs, wants and desire met beyond our physical health.

Self-care is much more than this. Self-care starts with nurturing yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. It’s about centering yourself, staying grounded, looking inward, and improving your total well-being.

It includes things like eating right, exercising, enjoying activities that provide pleasure and relaxation, being nice to yourself, spending time alone, as well as spending time with family and friends.

Self-nurturing means having a comforting and safe place to live, and a space for yourself. Having daily routines that support you and enhance your well-being.

Self-Care means taking care of your needs at every level, mind, body, emotions and spirit. Self-nurturing is paying attention to needs and taking the time to nurture and nourish your mind, body, emotions and spirit. As women we often push ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally depleting our spirit.

What is your current level of self-care? Would you like to improve your level of self-care? Would you like to take more time to participate in self-nurturing activities?

Self-care is taking care of your needs at every level. It helps you create the kind of life you want to live.

What Would it Be Like if You had all the Self-Care and Self-Nurturing you need to Be Your Best Self and Live Your Best Life?

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