A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


March 11



Solitude is being alone, spending time alone by choice. Often solitude is associated with loneliness. Loneliness is a feeling but being alone is a situation. Choosing solitude can be a time of peace, quiet and enjoyment. It can be contemplative or active.

Solitude allows you to heighten your development of the present moment. It allows you to be present with yourself and with the world around you.

You can have moments of solitude or you can take longer periods of time such as a retreat to spend in solitude. Mindfulness is strengthen by times of solitude. Learning how to appreciate silence, and actually discovering the underlying vibrations and sounds of silence happen in solitude.

You can engage in solitude in many different ways. You can spend a few minutes along with your thoughts. You can do a solitary activity focused and engaged. You can go on a trip alone enjoy all the world has to offer. You can go on a retreat to study or learn something.

Solitude can have can have profound effects on your productivity and creativity. It is a doorway to self-discovery. Spaces of stillness are needed if you want to get to the place where the answers exist inside you.

Stillness is the opening to mindfulness, meditation, present moment and beyond into peace, calm, solutions, creativity, action, accomplishments, ideas, love, happiness, contentment, self-nurturing, and joy.

Solitude only requires that you spend time alone in the present moment.

Spending time alone is a skill that can be cultivated. Many times we are afraid of being alone. Then there are times when we crave and need solitude if only to be away from the hustle and bustle of our busy life. If spending time alone is daunting to you start with small moments of time and increase it over time. As you increase your time alone make sure you plan an activity at the end that involves friends or family.

Mindfulness allows you to be more comfortable with solitude. By paying attention to your thoughts, your body, your breathing, what you are doing and the environment around you deepen your focus on the present moment.

Learning to become comfortable with yourself, your needs, your beliefs, your desires, you develop a better relationship with yourself. It opens the doors to living a more filling, fulfilling happy life.

What you experience and learn in solitude intensifies your understanding and experience of life fully and abundantly. Just spending time alone can cultivate peace and calm in your body and mind.

We all need some time in solitude. Alone with our thoughts, or alone to just be at peace.

Carve out time alone as often as you feel the need for it. Focus on being present with yourself. Expand your mindfulness with moments of solitude.  Allow yourself to just be.

Carve Out Time to be Alone




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