A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Just Start Dancing

July 5

Just Start Dancing

Dancing allows you to be active, let loose, energize your body and spirit. It releases inhibitions. It allows you to be free.

My favorite song is “Life’s a Dance”

“Life’s a dance you learn as you go

Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow

Don’t worry about what you don’t know

Life’s a dance you learn as you go”

In life we sometimes know the steps to take and sometimes we just have to wing it. Sometimes we follow along with the music and sometimes we make up our own tune. Sometimes we step on our toes or someone else’s toes.

But just as you learn a dance you learn about you and life as you take steps through each day.

Life is in constant motion. We move through experiences, transitions, phases and situations. We have miss steps and steps that go with the flow easily and smoothly.

There are basic fundamental steps of life and then there are the steps we make up along the way that we create.

Our life expression is a dance. Your dance is an expression of your life.

Sometimes you can’t hear the music so just start dancing, the music will find you.

Dance in your own spotlight, shine your unique expression of life.

 When Life Asks You to Dance Say YES!

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