A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

Tune into Your Feelings

March 26


Tune into Your Feelings

Feelings can control us. We can get so caught up in living and moving automatically through the day we may not even know what we are feeling. Often we feel them begin to surface and we shut them down in order to do what we have to do.

Whether you recognize what you are feeling or stuffing them down or shutting them off they can rule your life, from how you act and respond to what you do and do not do. Your feelings can affect you and have a major impact on your day and how you see yourself and your life.

A feeling is an emotional state or response, or a belief.

Feelings include happiness, sadness, fear, anger, jealousy, anticipation, loneliness disgust, surprise, anxiousness, and guilt. 

By being present in the moment and with yourself you can tune into your feelings and choose what feelings to feel or take action on dealing with.

Ways to Tune into Your Feelings

Notice what feeling you feeling in this moment. Name it.

If you are feeling more than one feeling pick one to pay attention to right now.

Learn more words that describe this feeling

Are you resisting it? Or are you letting it control you and the moment?

What triggered this emotion?

Are you judging the feeling?

Keep a journal –write down the answers to the above questions or anything else that surfaces

The more you come to know and understand your feelings and what makes you feel different emotions the more you will get to know yourself, and others, and learn healthy ways to express them.

Tune into what you are feeling, acknowledge that feeling, allow it to be if possible, if necessary find an appropriate time and place to explore the feeling until it dissipates. If the feeling is a good feeling then go with it and let it flow into areas of not so good feelings.

Notice the Feelings in Art, Songs, Things You See and Experiences You Have today



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