A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

What Story is Inside You?

June 24

What Story is Inside You?

Yes write a story. It can be the story of your day, your life, your dreams, or a creative story from your imagination.

Journaling is one way of writing a story, we write the story of our thoughts and life.

When we write a story, even if we are writing a story of our day or something from our own experience we can step away and observe it from any perspective we choose.

You have the freedom to write things you would never dream of doing or wish you could that you would never do.

Writing will give you clarity, and you will gain more awareness of your reality. You will see different viewpoints.

Writing will eliminate stress and make you more productive in your other tasks. You will become more focused.

You will work through difficult moments and situations better. You will make better decisions.

You will be happier, and you will create more memories.

Write a story. It doesn’t have to be good. It doesn’t have to be long. No one else needs to read it unless you choice to share it.

Choose a topic, event, or situation. Choose a setting. Where will it take place?

Who is in it? Who are your characters?

What is the point of view? Who is telling the story?

Create a mood or feeling.  What emotions do you want to evoke?

What is going on? What is the conflict?

What is the plot? Give it a plot twist.

Include some dialogue. What are the characters saying? To each other? To themselves?

Write a Story

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