A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts


June 21



We are so busy with our activities and thoughts that we don’t take enough time to listen. We don’t listen to the sounds around us. We don’t fully listen to what we others are saying.

But most importantly we don’t listen to ourselves. You may say I hear my thoughts. It’s my thoughts that I hear and listen to.

Our thoughts though are often full of what we should be doing or think we should be doing or what others want us to be doing.

You need to make time, take time to really listen to yourself. All your answers and guidance is deep within you.

Quiet your mind, listen to your intuition, to your heart, to the whispers of life guiding you.

Find a quiet place or just stop and take a moment. Take a deep breath, tune out the sounds around you, tune out your thoughts.

Be still, be quiet, feel the peaceful space inside you. And Listen to the silence within.

You will hear the whispers of your heart. They will not race through your mind, you will quietly feel them.

What are they telling you?

Listen to the Whispers of Your Heart

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