A Year of Daily Inspirational Thoughts

A Year of Inspirational Thoughts: New Beginnings


A Day Book of Inspirational Thoughts and Guidance



The New Year opens us to the idea of new beginnings. Each day we have the chance for a new beginnings. We can build onto the beginning of yesterday or leave it behind and begin again anew. The choice is available each day.

When we begin, we allow ourselves to dream and imagine everything we wish for and desire. We can be open to new ideas, new ways of being, making new choices, and trying new things.

This is the month to look forward to the year ahead, to dream and imagine, Give yourself permission to call forth all your deepest dreams. Dare to dream without limits.


January 1

Look Forward to the New Year

Allow yourself to be in delight with endless opportunities that await you. Be excited about the journey ahead. Think of it as the adventure of your life. An adventure into you and your world exploring the depths of who you are, your interests, your likes, your loves, learning and trying new things, as well as discovering the world around you.

No matter what has happened or not happened in the last year, I am always hopeful that this year will be better, will be amazing and that another dream will come true. I ponder what that dream might be. I wonder what surprises, blessings, magic and miracles might occur.

Hope and faith are what move me forward even in my darkest days. I remember this feeling anytime during the year when I might need a restart or a lift of faith. Because we naturally think about new beginnings when the year turns to another one, but we can have a new beginning any time of year whenever we need to restart, rejuvenate and reinvent our life. We also have small new beginning throughout the year-a new job, a new friend, a new interest, a new home. Whenever something in our life changes it brings with it some kind of new beginning.

New beginnings bring new promises, new delights, new learning, and new curiosities, Open yourself to the promise of new beginnings. Open yourself up to the journey of life. Let it be magical, fun and the adventure your dream of.

Start this year looking forward to what might be. Be joyful. Take a leap of faith. Believe in yourself and in your dreams.

Honor the Opportunity of New Beginnings


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